Can I Sponsor Permanent Residence for my Brother or Sister to Canada?


If you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, you may be wondering if it is possible to sponsor your brother or sister for permanent residence in Canada. This article will provide you with information on the sponsorship process, who can act as a sponsor, the circumstances under which someone can sponsor their siblings, and alternative routes if sponsorship is not possible.

Family sponsorship is one of the biggest classes of foreigners set out by Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in the yearly target plan.

This type of sponsorship permits Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and Indians registered in Canada under the Canadian Indian Act to sponsor loved ones to immigrate to Canada and possibly settle permanently, but it does not permit these individuals to sponsor their siblings—with the exception of exceptional circumstances. Peruse on to dive more deeply into these extraordinary cases, what qualification necessities are required from supporters, and what choices you might need to carry your kin to Canada, regardless of whether you can’t support them for long-lasting home (PR).

Sponsorship Eligibility

The Government of Canada allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their siblings for permanent residence, as long as they meet certain eligibility requirements. To be eligible to sponsor a sibling, you must:

  1. Be at least 18 years old
  2. Be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident living in Canada
  3. Prove that you have sufficient income to support your sibling financially
  4. Agree to provide financial support to your sibling for a period of time
  5. Reside in Canada (except for Canadian citizens who can sponsor their spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or dependent children without physical presence in Canada, as long as they can demonstrate their intention to live in Canada when the sponsored individuals arrive in Canada);
  6. Sign an undertaking to repay any social assistance your sibling may receive during the period of sponsorship

Who can act as a sponsor?

As mentioned earlier, Canadian citizens and permanent residents can act as sponsors for their siblings. However, it is important to note that the sponsor must be at least 18 years old and meet the income requirements set by the Government of Canada. The sponsor must also be able to demonstrate their ability to provide financial support to their sibling.

Circumstances for Sponsorship of Sibling to Canadian PR

There are specific circumstances under which someone can sponsor their siblings for permanent residence in Canada. These circumstances include:

  • They are connected by blood or adoption
  • Both their mom and father have died;
  • They are under 18 years old; and
  • They are single (not wedded or in a customary regulation or intimate relationship).
  • Notwithstanding, significantly under these arrangements, you can’t support your kin for PR ifOne of their parents is alive
  • Nobody knows where their parents are;
  • Their parents left or abandoned them;
  • Another person other than their guardian is dealing with them while one or both their parents are alive; or potentially
  • Their parents both are in prison or occupied.

Alternative Routes

If you are unable to sponsor your sibling for permanent residence in Canada, there are alternative routes you can explore. These include:

  • Applying for a visitor visa: Your sibling can apply for a visitor visa to come to Canada temporarily. However, it is important to note that a visitor visa does not grant permanent residence.
  • Applying for a work permit: If your sibling has a job offer from a Canadian employer, they may be eligible to apply for a work permit. This would allow them to work in Canada temporarily.
  • Applying for a study permit: If your sibling wants to study in Canada, they can apply for a study permit. This would allow them to pursue their studies in Canada for a specific period of time.

Frequently the simplest and most direct method for doing this, is to assist your kin with tracking down an instructive course or program from an Designated Learning Institue (DLI) — the main schools in Canada approved to acknowledge worldwide understudies — that makes them qualified for a Post-Graduation Work License (PGWP) upon graduation. From here your kin can work in Canada and fabricate qualification for one of the country’s financial migration programs (be it through Express Section oversaw streams, or through Common Chosen one Projects (PNP)). Strong data also suggest that newcomers with Canadian education and work experience typically experience better long-term outcomes.


To seek after an instructive course for your kin, you can likewise investigate assisting your kin with getting a Labour Market impact assesment (LMIA)- upheld proposition for employment, which would convey them a LMIA-based work permit* if fruitful.

A LMIA is the Canadian government’s instrument to figure out what influence the employing of an unfamiliar specialist will have on the Canadian work market. On the off chance that a LMIA yields a positive or impartial result (i.e.: there were no Canadian residents or extremely durable occupants who might play filled the part and recruiting an unfamiliar public won’t adversely influence Canada’s economy or labor force), the application is typically fruitful, and permits the beneficiary the capacity to construct qualification for Canadian PR, again through one of the country’s financial movement programs.

*Keep in mind that LMIA-based work permits are typically restricted to a single job and employer. Disturbances in business might affect your kin’s movement valuable open doors.



Finally, if you are from a country that holds a bilateral youth mobility agreement with Canada, you may be eligible for an open work permit (OWP) under the Canadian Experience Class (CIC) program. These programs offer OWPs to individuals from nations that Canada has trade agreements with and allows foreign nationals from these countries (provided that they meet age requirements) to obtain an OWP and work in Canada. Unlike LMIA-based work permits, OWPs allow holders to work for most employers in most industries and are not tied to a single employer or position, allowing holders much more freedom. This is again another way to help your sibling build eligibility for one of the country’s economic immigration programs, and eventually obtain PR.


While it is possible to sponsor your brother or sister for permanent residence in Canada, there are certain eligibility requirements that must be met. The sponsor must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, meet the income requirements, and be able to provide financial support to their sibling. If sponsorship is not possible, there are alternative routes such as visitor visas, work permits, and study permits that can be explored. It is advisable to consult with an immigration professional to understand the best options for your specific situation.