Wealth The 15x15x15 Rule and the Path to Crorepati Status Through Mutual Funds

In the unpredictable world of the stock market, mutual funds have emerged as a beacon of hope for those seeking financial growth. The allure of substantial returns, as seen in stories of 10x or 20x gains, often comes with a cautionary reminder – mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Amidst this dynamic landscape, the 15x15x15 rule in mutual funds has garnered attention as a potential strategy to pave the way to becoming a crorepati in India. This rule, grounded in the power of compounding, offers a unique approach to wealth creation that requires neither a massive initial investment nor an intricate understanding of the market’s ebbs and flows.

The Power of Compounding

Before delving into the 15x15x15 rule, it’s crucial to grasp the significance of the power of compounding in mutual fund investments. Compounding involves the phenomenon where small amounts grow into a substantial corpus when invested over an extended period. In essence, the returns generated during one compounding period contribute to subsequent compounding periods, creating a compounding effect. This principle is exemplified by the potential to turn a monthly investment of Rs. 15,000 into a corpus of approximately Rs. 1 crore over 15 years with an assumed annual return rate of 15%.

Understanding the 15x15x15 Rule

The 15x15x15 rule is a fundamental guideline for investing in mutual funds through the Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) route. According to this rule, if an investor commits to investing Rs. 15,000 per month through SIP in an equity mutual fund with an expected average return of 15%, they are likely to accumulate a crorepati status in 15 years. The mathematics behind this rule is straightforward – Rs. 15,000 per month for 180 months (15 years) accumulates to an investment of Rs. 27,00,000, with an approximate profit of Rs. 74,00,000.


Early initiation of this investment strategy enhances the potential for wealth accumulation over time.

Benefiting from the Magic of Compounding: The saying, “Money attracts money,” is particularly relevant when it comes to mutual fund investments and the 15x15x15 rule. Fueled by the power of compounding, the initial capital undergoes a multiplier effect. The returns generated on the principal amount, in turn, contribute to generating additional returns. The key to harnessing the magic of compounding lies in adopting a long-term investment strategy. SIP-based investments in mutual funds provide a convenient avenue to participate in the equity market while benefiting from the compounding phenomenon.

My Opinion

Investing in mutual funds is not just a commitment of capital but also an investment of time. It underscores the notion that time, when invested wisely, equates to money. With a long-term investment horizon and adherence to the 15x15x15 rule, investors can construct a progressive portfolio and aspire to achieve crorepati status. The rule acts as a blueprint for wealth creation, emphasizing the transformative potential of compounding when applied consistently and patiently over time.


  1. What is the 15-15-15 rule in mutual funds? The 15x15x15 rule suggests that by investing Rs. 15,000 per month for 15 years in a mutual fund with an average return of 15%, an investor can potentially accumulate a corpus of around one crore rupees.
  2. What is compounding? Compounding is the ability of an asset to generate returns that are reinvested to enhance the value of the initial investment, allowing for accelerated wealth growth.
  3. How can I become a crorepati in 15 years? By adhering to the 15x15x15 rule, investors can begin their journey towards crorepati status. This involves investing Rs. 15,000 per month in the right mutual funds through SIP and letting the power of compounding work to build a substantial corpus over time.

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